English for Healthcare Professionals
English for Healthcare Professionals is aimed at healthcare professionals who plan to move to an English-speaking country for work and will need to use clear, accurate English in everyday work-related situations. The course can be taken alongside a degree or professional qualification studies elsewhere, as part of an informal career development programme or as a preparation course for the Occupational English Test (OET), an English language test for healthcare professionals who wish to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. It will be of particular value to prospective medical students applying to study at a university abroad if their study programme is run in English.
Course duration: 4 months
CEFR levels: B2-C1 (Upper-Intermediate/Advanced)
What do English language CEFR levels mean?
Age groups: young people (16-18) and adults (19+)
Study method: online learning with tutor’s guidance and support
Course fees for the 2024/2025 academic year: £880
Next course start date: 1 October 2024
Register by: 20 September 2024
By the end of the course, learners will:
- develop English language skills: grammar, reading, listening and writing
- expand specialist medical vocabulary: health, medical and paramedical personnel, primary care and hospitals, systems, diseases and symptoms, investigations, medical and surgical treatment, disease prevention, epidemiology, medical education
- expand specialist vocabulary related to clinical procedures: taking a history, examining a patient, explaining investigations and diagnosis, discussing treatment, delivering bad news
- practise specialist vocabulary in a selected medical specialisation for their current studies or job in healthcare or in preparation for an Occupational English Test (OET): medicine, nursing, pharmacy, optometry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, dietetics, podiatry, speech pathology, dentistry
- improve personal skills: time management, stress management, education and training, interpersonal communication skills, cross-cultural communication skills, professional ethics
- improve professional skills: conducting medical research, making presentations, writing research articles and speeches for conferences
Key features of the course
- Flexibility to suit your needs – allowing you to study anytime, anywhere
- An emphasis on personal and professional development through independent learning
- Relevance of topics, terminology and language skills to the context of communications in healthcare
- Certificate of completion from Cambridge International School of English
Teaching and assessment
A tutor will guide you throughout the study process and mark and comment on your written work. The course work includes online practice tests, tutor-marked assignments and end-of-module assessment. Your tutor will open module sessions every week or every two weeks to help you gradually progress through the study materials. You and your tutor will primarily communicate with each other through email.
All study materials are provided on the module website. Microsoft Office presentations and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of study material are available.
A computer with a browser and broadband internet access is required for this module. Functionality may be limited on mobile or tablet devices.
If you have a disability or particular study requirements, please tell us as soon as possible.
The Pass mark for the module is 50%.